Testimonial from Name Withheld
Thank you so much for the kindness you bestowed on me! You need to know why this gesture meant so much to me, it’s likely more than you could imagine! When I entered your store last summer I was a mere three months out of an abusive relationship. Throughout this time I was abused emotionally, physically, and mentally.
When I walked in your store last summer I was in the throes of depression. It was a tumultuous time as well, for when one leaves an abusive relationship the abuse doesn’t end. I need you to understand it was difficult for me that day to be out. I wasn’t expecting kindness.
Your gesture not only allowed me to pass an heirloom down to my daughter, but I learned that genuine, kind people still exist in a world that had become to me cold and brutal. A simple thank you doesn’t adequately convey my appreciation, it is important to me that you understand the depths of my gratitude. Philippe, you restored my faith in human goodness. I walked in your store broken, overwhelmed, and discouraged. When I walked out, I left with the most precious gift of all; hope.
I want to thank you with all my heart, you were truly an angel. I’ve always believed in kindness for you never know the shoes a person walks in, and how such an act may affect them. I am proof. Thank you.